Episode 2

Planning to start

Me, at the piano.

In this episode…

Ever wondered how you can optimise your piano practice routine and set up a perfect practice space? Tune in as I, David Reidy, share my personal journey of dedicating five and a half hours of practice this week to Alyssa Milne's "Getting to Grade One." I also dive into the charming world of Samuel Arnold's "Gigue" and Manfred Schmitz's "Mini Hit," offering insights into my progress. Stay until the end to hear about "The Piano Doctor," a fascinating YouTube channel featuring a talented piano technician from West Michigan who not only showcases his skills but also teaches a course on becoming a piano technician. Additionally, I review a durable and battery-free metronome from Pianote that promises to help your practice sessions.

Setting up your piano space is crucial for effective practice, and this episode provides the practical advice you need. From selecting the right digital piano to ensuring you have enough space, I cover it all. Learn the benefits of using headphones to practice quietly in shared living spaces and discover why a proper piano bench with adjustable height is essential for maintaining good posture. I'll also share tips on protecting your flooring and organising your growing collection of music books. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your practice environment, this episode is packed with valuable information to help you create an ideal piano practice space.


The Pianote metronome.

This is a simple mechanical metronome, this came as part of a bundle from Pianote, they sell it separately for $80.


Episode 3


Episode 1