Episode 10

Piano practice is something that all piano learners have to do. Unfortunately, there is no instant way of going from not being able to play to giving Lang Lang a run for his money without many thousands of hours of practice.

Six Months Later

This week's big news is the repair of the Kawaii NV10. I was able to arrange with Stan, the technician, for him to visit on Thursday afternoon after work and, true to his word, he arrived right on time. I was interested to see the inside of the piano, as I had resisted the urge to take it apart myself, so I was able to watch Stan as he worked. Getting to the Kawhi's electronics is pretty simple. There's a wooden panel on the back that is held on with a few screws. I had positioned the piano facing away from the wall, so nothing needed to be moved to access the panel and there was plenty of room to work.

The end of July marks six months since I brought my first piano home, so it's probably a good time to review what's happened over that time.

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Episode 11


Episode 9